2009 Dailies

In 2009, Jonah undertook to paint a small painting every day and make available for purchase the following day.  He successfully completed the project.
Following are Jonah’s thoughts on the project after completion at the end of 2009:


“Having spent many long days in the studio working towards a show of large paintings in 2008, I felt the need to get back out on location to paint.  I set myself the project of painting from life every day, come rain or shine, during 2009.  At the end of the year I reflected on how and where the Daily project went.

I completed 323 paintings; there were 72 days when no painting was done due to travel days and a hiatus for a workshop.  On 27 days I painted more than one painting.  265 were done in Bermuda, mostly in the west end close to home which allowed me to minimise travel time and concentrate on familiar subjects that I see in my every day life.  The other 58 were painted in various locations in the Chesapeake and down the US east coast.

Some works came easily and fluidly.  Some were dragged forth with false starts and mishaps.  Some made my heart beat hard with excitement, one or two made me cringe and were subsequently removed from sale.  Usually it was a thrill, occasionally a chore.  One was completed an hour after completing a full marathon – the only time I sat down to paint.

I learned a lot.  An awful lot.  It confirmed to me that there is no substitute for regular focused practice on location to improve one’s landscape skills.  Being outside in the elements allows a subject to infuse its very nature into your soul.  This experience and any studies produced can be taken back into the studio, allowing one far greater ammunition than a stack of photographs will ever give you.  In the autumn, I was able to slide right into place on a workshop in the mountains of Idaho with Scott Christensen, one of the best landscape painters alive, feeling comfortable and confident, due in no small part to my Daily practise.”