Subjective Reality

A One-Person Show at Bermuda Society of Arts, City Hall, Hamilton.
June 1- 26, 2018
Looking back – the wilderness years. Cast adrift, directionless and lost in the doldrums. Outwardly happy, fortunate, lucky. Inwardly dark thoughts, heavy, sinking. Floundering in confused waters, looking for signs to show the way out. Painting, the desire, still there, but dulled, blunted.

Time passes. A bicycle ride. Long drawn out journeys over vast landscapes. Empty hours though a million busy moments. Down rivers, beside oceans. Often in circles but ever forward. A lifting of the spirits.

The paintings are changing. The process is slower, more measured. Minimalist canvases filled to the gunwales with emptiness and space. A sign post pointing to somewhere. Small sailboats inching across vast swathes of canvas. Learning how to navigate through life. The artist, while still lost and confused, is no longer sinking beneath the waves. Buoyed by a new found energy. The journey continues, inspired by what he sees around him and who he is.